Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Spirit Of 2010

Wow, I can't believe January is over.
Already, for me, the year appears to be in acceleration mode.
Somehow I am feeling supremely rushed and a bit lethargic.
Don't know why it is like that so early in the year...
Could be something to do with the death in the family and the suspense that comes with it.
I sense a degree of inner drag as I stride to catch up with the spirit of 2010.
Don't want to miss anything. This year has a lot of great promise but also lots of challenges.
I pray that I rediscover the momentum and eventually slide into my personal rhythm.
I guess I need to encourage my weary soul somehow.
It is only when the going gets tough, that the soul gets an audience.
Have a blessed day!


Maya Mame said...

I see you share my sentiments of the year already running to quickly. This is the first time in my life that I haven't felt optimistic at the turn of the year, and yet I feel there will be a lot of developments in the year.

So hang in there, I'm sure 2010 has a lot to offer for you!

posekyere said...

Thanks MM!
Yes. I am convinced that what is happening is a temporary setback. We shall surely rebound.
Blessings to you, the little one and the entire family!